Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Revenge 2X17- The Power of Forgiveness

I did not see that coming.

Mostly, it's because the characters are generally easy to read. You may not know what they're going to do, but you know who they're after. Eli came off as going after Amanda/Emily, but did a...well it wasn't a complete 180. I don't know, a complete 90? He didn't attack the Graysons, which would be a 180. I..I..I have nothing. Whatever it was, it was entertaining as hell.

I have my concerns about Daniel. Sometimes I think he won't follow in his family's footsteps, but other times I feel they make decisions for him and he is too in the dark to do anything. Like Victoria stalking him and Emily to dissuade him from seeking Emily's help. I do appreciate Daniel for this; he seems to be the most genuine person on the show. At least for someone so in the middle of things, Jack, Charlotte and Deacon are pretty genuine. But Daniel is the CEO of Grayson Global, shouldn't he be more...scheme-y? I mean he seemed to be catching on last week by getting rid of the clock the Initiative was spying on him with. I guess I simultaneously want him to fight back but also be an honest character. So basically, Jack then? But back to Grayson Global, I'm interested to see how the company will be manipulated in the future. Is Aiden really going to go down for Grayson Global? I have a feeling he will weasel his way out of it.

Poor Nolan. First Padma was betraying him, now she may be dead. In a show of people lying about their emotions and manipulating others, Padma and Nolan were a surprise. They managed to work past the betrayal to actually care about each other. But, of course the Initiative had to get involved
I really love the role reversal that this has brought. Nolan has been the voice of reason for Emily throughout her revenge plans. Emily has needed calming down after large emotional occurrences, just last week he was comforting her while she was furious and emotional about Fauxmanda's death. But Emily was able to do that for Nolan. An emotional wreck, she came up with a plan for his revenge and will help him. I'm looking forward to that as a storyline, I like seeing Nolan not so under control.

I also really want Nolan and Jack to become BFFs again. Nolan explained away most of it, but I think Jack is still suspicious. I'm never sure how I feel about Emily and Jack, but Nolan and Jack are one of my favorite pairings. Emily and Jack have too many lies. Although, I wish she would tell him a half truth about some of the questions he brought up to get their friendship back together

The biggest question I have so far is: who is Falcon? I think it's the new Initiative liaison dude, but Revenge never takes the most obvious path

Next Episode: Masquerade Ball. Because what show, other than Pretty Little Liars, is more appropriate for people dressing up in costume and pretending to not be themselves.

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