Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I Will Be Your Pocahontas, Climb Into My Papoose-Parks and Recreation 5X18

Parks and Recreation usually gives me all the feminist feels, and this episode was no exception.

But first, Animal Control.
Based on my experience with animal control (which is little to none, only stories), I wouldn't surprised if it was actually run by two stoners. This explains the Raccoon problem!
It's a cat. Or maybe a possum. 
And this gave us insight into Jerry's educational status, Orin in general, and the creepiness of a few of the Pawnee residents. I love these side episodes that are almost an ethnography of Pawnee. We see why Leslie is the way she is and why Pawnee is the greatest city in the world (suck it, Eagleton).

Who gave Ron a Sharpie?
Ron trying to eat the banana may have been the comedy highlight of this episode. Having him and Ann pair up as often as possible is awesome, and I really love how they show Ron's dedication to his girlfriend and her kids. It would be so easy to have him be either Ross Gellar from Friends or have him be a twice-divorced jerk who puts no effort into relationships because he doesn't see the point. Instead, we get a well rounded character who just has a slight paranoia about the government.

P&R did a great job of mirroring what we have seen in recent congressional sessions, particularly those of Supreme Court Justice hearings. Men are not judged for their indiscretions, however women are scrutinized and asked extremely personal questions. Case in point: April vs. Teeth dude. Teeth dude had no qualifications whatsoever, and was only asked about that. And his teeth. April was bombarded with questions about emails sent to her husband and her personal life and not her qualifications. She was demonized as a pervert and a slut while Teeth dude was totally an idiot. I loved the moment where she suggested a change

All of the feels, feminist and otherwise
The shining portion of this episode was Leslie and April. I love that all the women in this show are supportive of each other, espeically Leslie with everyone else. My favorite exchange:

 April: How did you make this plaque so quickly?
Leslie: I had it made your first week here. I knew you were going places.
I love that on this show women are allowed to be proud of each other and appreciate each other and show their unabashed support of one another through personal and professional moments. Even though April and Ann have some sort of a feud, they still have a more positive female friendship than most shows on television. We need more portrayals of friendship like Parks and Recreation, cause I for one am tired of the fighting and girl hate that permeates modern culture.

Friends. Waffles. Work. We need to remember what's important in life.

Episode Grade? B. Solid, funny, good character development

What would you give the episode?

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